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The Teachers
John Pagano
John Pagano has been teaching multi-divisional robotics at Laguna for four years.
He works in proctoring VEX competitions for students, and helping with the design and creation of their projects.
His favorite part of robotics are the applicable aspects of CAD design, and the ability to envision and product and then create it.
He founded NERC (North East Robotics Club), a non-profit organizations whose goal is to educate and promote robotics as a tool to get kids interested in STEM.
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Dan Ary
Dan Ary, Laguna's AP computer science teacher, has been working at Laguna for 28 years.
He specializes in teaching students Arduino and Photon microprocessor programming in C++. His favorite part of teaching is having his students realize the fun of creating programs that control their environment, and promotes a project based learning plan that involves creative thinking.
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